All you could hear were the drums pounding loud and clear over the village. The rhythm took a hold of you making you move and shake every inch of your body. Their voices, their songs sent chills down you back all the way through to your fingertips making you shiver. Dead center stood the two people that were the main source of this uproar and every inch of their spirit exuded generosity. Their infectious smiles lit up the whole Chanzga village that had come to watch the celebrations. Now, Peter the man that is ever so deserving of having his life completely transformed could not stop expressing his gratitude in the form of dance. Grabbing his wife, they both continued to move as if they had left all their worries behind and had gone back to the years when they were young. We all watch in sheer amazement at the sight of their happiness. Everyone was well aware that building this family a home would bring out emotions in them that they had never experienced before however, we were not prepared to have theses same emotions rage out of our bodies too. The simple glance into Peter’s eyes was great conviction that if you truly care, the dreams that people think are unrealistic are capable of being achieved.
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